During data aquistion the display shown in figure 12 below is shown. The operator
can now, besides zooming, through the vertical bar, take instant screenshots (which
will be tagged with the current position)
Figure 12, data acquisition display.
Although MALA prides itself for producing the easiest-to use GPR-systems, there are
still some settings which operators may tweak. In figure 13, below the settings menu
is shown.
Depth: this parameters sets the time-window during data collection to represent to a
specific value, given the next parameter, the velocity.
Soil velocity: The operator must know this value, if hesitant please refer to tables
available in MALA-literature. It does not matter for the actual data acquisition; the
only risk is that not deep enough data is gathered. Normal values are 70-120m/us.
Acquisition mode: Refers to how the data collection is controlled. The most common
way is use an odometer wheel. Other options are time and keyboard (the latter being
very slow, should never be used).
Wheel-type: Gives the operator possibility to choose from a set of MALA standard
wheels. It’s possible to create new wheels based on client needs.
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