4.1 Projects
In order to streamline the data acquisition and provide a user interface optimized in
terms of user friendliness, MALA provides application specific data acquisition
schemes. In figure 10, below, the first screen (after the start-up info) is shown. The
user has the options to choose between:
a general, single line data acquisition scheme, the traditional way of
gathering GPR-data.
3D-Grid Project:
A data question whereby the user is guided in collection of data in
a grid, suitable for MALA-2.5D visualization and interpretation.
The MALA-proprietary model of mapping areas, marking
objects in the data and producing client reports, with just a few clicks.
Besides these three data acquisition schemes the client have some extra options in
using the GPR as a positioning and revieing previously collected data.
On the top line, the software version, a symbol showing connection status with the
antenna and a battery indicator is shown. In this case no data acquisition is possible
since no antenna is attached, indicated by a red X.
Note that whenever the option “Shut Down” is chosen, the antenna will be powered
off, if it’s attached and switched on.
Figure 10, the first screen after booth up screen.
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