Checking proper action before
Bef ore operation, alw ay s c h ec k f ollow ing points.
Make sure th at th e tool d oes not operate only by
c onnec ting th e air h ose.
Make sure th at th e tool d oes not operate only by
pulling th e trigger.
Make sure th at th e tool d oes not operate only by
plac ing th e c ontac t element against th e w orkpiec e
w ith out pulling th e trigger.
I n single seq uential ac tuation mod e, make sure
th at th e tool d oes not operate w h en pulling th e
trigger first and then placing the contact element
against th e w orkpiec e.
Selecting the operation mode
Always make sure that the actua-
tion mode selector is properly set to the position
for the desired nailing mode before nailing.
A c tuation mod e selec tor
Single sequential actuation mode:
Y ou c an d riv e one nail by one seq uential operation.
S elec t th is mod e w h en d riv ing a nail c aref ully and
ac c urately .
T o c h oose th is mod e, set th e ac tuation mod e selec tor to
th e
Contact actuation mode:
Y ou c an d riv e nails repetitiv ely by plac ing th e c ontac t
element w ith th e trigger h eld .
T o c h oose th is mod e, set th e ac tuation mod e selec tor to
th e
Single sequential actuation
Do not place the contact element
against the workpiece with excessive force. Also,
pull the trigger fully and hold it on for 1-2 seconds
after nailing.
Ev en in th e “ S ingle seq uential ac tuation” mod e, h alf -
pulled trigger c auses an unex pec ted nailing, w h en th e
c ontac t element re-c ontac ts th e w orkpiec e.
P lac e th e c ontac t element against th e w orkpiec e and
pull th e trigger f ully .
A f ter nailing, release th e c ontac t element, and th en
release th e trigger.
Contact actuation
Pull the trigger first and then place the contact element
against th e w orkpiec e.
Anti dry re mechanism
This tool is equipped with an anti dry fire mechanism.
h en th ere are a f ew nails remaining in th e magaz ine,
th e c ontac t arm w ill be loc ked in th e und epressed posi-
tion to prev ent th e tool f rom being ac tiv ated . W
h en it is
ac tiv ated , load more nails to resume operation.
Removing jammed nails
Always release the trigger and dis-
connect the hose before removing jammed nails.
Do not use deformed nails or nail
F ailure to d o so c auses poor nail f eed ing.
h en th e nailer bec omes j ammed , d o as f ollow s:
I nsert a small rod or th e like into th e ej ec tion port and
tap it w ith a h ammer to retrac t th e d riv er.
H ammer
S mall rod
Ej ec tion port
D riv er
U se pliers to bend th e j ammed nail so th at th e nail h ead
c omes out of th e slot in th e d riv er guid e. T h en remov e
th e j ammed nail.
P liers
S lot
Before attempting to perform
inspection or maintenance, always release the
trigger and disconnect the air hose from the tool.
Never use gasoline, benzine, thinner,
alcohol or the like. Discoloration, deformation or
cracks may result.
H and le nail strips and th eir box c aref ully . I f th e nail
strips h av e been h and led rough ly , th ey may be out of
sh ape, c ausing poor nail f eed .
A v oid storing nails in a v ery h umid or h ot plac e or plac e
ex posed to d irec t sunligh t.
Maintenance of nailer
A lw ay s c h ec k th e tool f or its ov erall c ond ition and loose
sc rew s bef ore operation. T igh ten as req uired .
ith tool d isc onnec ted , make d aily inspec tion to assure
f ree mov ement of th e c ontac t element and trigger. D o
not use tool if th e c ontac t element or trigger stic ks or
bind s.
h en th e tool is not to be used f or an ex tend ed period
of time, lubric ate th e tool using pneumatic tool oil and
store th e tool in a saf e plac e. A v oid ex posure to d irec t
sunligh t and / or h umid or h ot env ironment.