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Usermanual V1.1
Usermanual V1.1
2.4 L'interface utilisateur d'AV-WALL via AVSMonitor sur Windows OS
The AV-WALL’s User Interface can be accessed using AVSMonitor on Windows OS:
1. Download AuviTran AVS-Monitor free software for windows 7/8/10 available at the fol-
lowing web address https://www.auvitran.com/software
2. Install AVS-Monitor by double clicking on the download file.
3. Using AVS-Control Panel
3.1. Select the NIC card that must be used by Dante /AuviTran Adapter
3.2. Run the service
4. Start AVS-Monitor
4.1. The AV-WALL connected to the network will automatically appear in the
“Dante Network”
4.2. Select the AV-WALL in the left list called “Dante network” and” “Control” Tab
in the right windows as describe below.
4.3. See chapter 4 for interface description notice:
- If your device doesn’t appear, your network configuration is probably not good.
Return to AVS-Control-Panel using “Edit/Control panel” menu or pressing Ctrl+P and
reselect another network or check if your PC is in the same network that the AV- WALL
3. AV-WALL’s setting using rotative push-button func-
L'AV-WALL a 3 modes de séquences d'opération :
Le mode "Display"
Le mode "Contrôle"
Le mode "Dimmer"
3.1 Display mode
The Display mode is active:
After the end of the start process when switching on the AV-WALL
After 10 seconds without using the push-button when in control mode
After finishing scrolling the last menu in Control mode.
The Display mode shows the status of the AV-WALL:
Switched off
1, 2 ou 3
Switched off
No audio signal
Switched on
Audio signal is present
Audio signal is saturated
Switched off
BT device not paired or not connected, or
no BT-EXT connected
Switched on
BT device paired or connected
BT device waiting for pairing
48v 1 and 2
Switched off
The Phantom power supply is cut off
Switched on
The Phantom power supply is turned on