DVB Series Direct Vent Gas Fireplace
sIGNAtuRe coMMAND systeM opeRAtIoN INstRuctIoNs
systeM coNFIGuRAtIoN/setup
System configuration/setup is done on the Command Center.
Intermittent/standing pilot setup (Default intermittent)
1. Holding the ON button on the Command Center while turning on the master switch will
toggle between standing pilot and intermittent pilot.
2. After the above operation, one beep (for standing pilot) or two beeps (for intermittent pilot)
will be given as confirmation.
six-hour safety shutdown option (Default oN)
1. The system comes preset from the factory with a six (6) hour shutdown from its last com-
mand of operation. This is done to prevent the fireplace from continuing to operate if unat-
tended. You may disable this feature if you wish.
By disabling this feature, your fireplace may continue to operate unattended.
2. When the master switch is in the ON position (“-”), pressing the ON button and the OFF
button on the Command Center simultaneously will toggle between enabling and dis-
abling the six-hour shutdown option.
3. After the above operation, one beep (for enabling the six-hour shutdown option) or two
beeps (for disabling the six-hour shutdown option) will be given as confirmation.
Remote transmitter learn Function (Default oFF)
1. The RF receiver button located on the control board must be in the on position before the
learn function can begin. Use paper clip to depress button. One beep for RF receiver ON
or two beeps for RF receiver OFF will be given as confirmation.
2. After the RF receiver is on, holding the OFF button on the Command Center while turning
on the master switch will activate the learn function for the transmitter.
3. After the above operation, two beeps will be given and the green LED on the Command
Center will flash for 10 seconds.
4. During the 10 seconds, press the OFF button on a transmitter to learn. Another two beeps
will be given to confirm a successful learning.
shutting off the standing pilot
To shut off the standing pilot for service or summer shut down, press and hold the ON button
on the Command Center for 3 seconds when the master switch is in the ON position (“-”)
and the main burner is off.
: Pilot will resume the next time system is turned on.
Key combinations for system settings
Default setting
Hold the ON
button while turning on the master switch
Pilot Setup
(Beep once for standing pilot, twice for intermittent pilot)
Standing Pilot Temp.
Hold the ON
button 3 seconds (when the master switch
on the main burner is off)
RF Remote Receiver
Push the RF receiver On/Off button on the control board
Beep once for ON and beep twice for OFF
Learn Remote
Hold the OFF
button while turning on the master switch
(Beep twice then press any handheld remote button)
6-hour safety
Press the ON
button and OFF
button simultaneously
shutdown setup
(Beep once for ON, twice for OFF)