Sport weight yarn
Strength=MEDIUM (50% tension on Tension Adjust)
Speed=SLOW (Bobbin Drive groove 1, Flyer Drive groove 1)
The yarn will draw in fairly slowly with a medium pull. The spinning is slow, not too strong and very relaxing.
How to Adjust Aura Bobbin Drive band
Remove the green Flyer Drive belt if it is on. It is assumed that the Bobbin Drive band is on
Turn the tension adjust knob at the side of the spinning
head Adjust Block unti l it is at the mid-point of its
movement. The extremes being the adjuster screw right in
(Adjust Block fully open) and the Adjust Block sitti ng hard
against the spinning head (fully closed)
Now slide the head (up or down unti l the Bobbin
Drive band is fi rm but not too ti ght. When the head is
ti ghtened, it will straighten up and put more tension on
the Bobbin Drive band. This is why it is not necessary to
make the bobbin drive super ti ght.
Replace the green Flyer Drive belt on to the groove that is most suitable for
your purpose.
Now you can turn the tension adjust knob inward or outward to create the
strength of pull that you require.
Now ti ghten the JCB bolt holding the head on.
The Bobbin drive band should be quite ti ght now. You can screw the
tension adjust knob out a bit to release the tension. When set like this,
when the Adjust Block is fully closed, the Bobbin Drive belt should be
very loose which equates to lots of slip on the Bobbin Drive (0% drive).
When the adjuster screw is ti ghtened to about half way through its
movement, the Bobbin Drive belt should be quite ti ght which equates to
100% drive on the bobbin
Slightly loosen the JCB bolt that secures the head to the
handle using your 4mm allen T wrench.
Bobbin Drive
Flyer Drive
Drive Band Key
Lace weight yarn
Strength=WEAK (25% tension on Tension Adjust)
Speed=FAST (Bobbin Drive groove 1, Flyer Drive groove 2)
The yarn will draw in quickly but because of WEAK pull, lots of twist can be added and the pull is gentle.
Bulky yarn
Strength=STRONG (100% tension on Tension Adjust)
Speed=SLOW (Bobbin Drive groove 2, Flyer Drive groove 1)
The yarn will draw in very slowly. The pull is strong and even so the bulky yarn will be drawn in easily and a
very even twist will be put in the yarn.
Mix and Match!
The best way to open the creati ve doorways with this wheel is to experiment. Try a strong-pull with a slow
speed, for example, and be amazed at the super chunky shaggy yarns that it will make with ease! Want a
super thin silk yarn with beads? Try a high twist with medium-soft strength. The possibiliti es are endless! All it
takes is a litt le bit of experimenti ng to fi nd the proper combinati on to suit your specifi c fi bres and ideas.