MP1800 Router Install Manual V1
The appearance of the G.SHDSL interface module:
G.SHDSL panel
The physical port on the RM2-2SHDSL module panel is RJ45, connecting 4-
port telephone twisted-pair to access Internet. There are five indicators on
the module panel, that is, EN indicator and four status indicators,
indicating the status of the card.
Interface Attributes of G.SHDSL Interface
The interface attributes of the G.SHDSL module:
Attribute Description
Interface RJ45
Interface quantity
2 or 4
Supported protocols
·ITU G.hs (ITU-T G.994.1)
·ITU G.shdsl (ITU-T G.991.2)
·ITU G.shdls.bis (ITU-T G.991.2 (2004))
4S1O Module
RM2-4S1O module is used for the phone analog access and local external
access. The physical ports on the RM2-4S1O module panel include four
RJ11. Port 0 is the shared port of FXO and FXS0, and the other three ports
are FXS analog access port 1-3.
4 S 1 O I n t e r f a c e M o d u l e A p p e a r a n c e
The appearance of the 4S1O interface module:
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