19. Measure the piston and measure
the cylinder bore. If the cylin-
der bore is greater than .006
inch, replace the piston. It is
wise to check the cylinder bore
in at least 3 places; top, mid
and bottom to be sure that the
cylinder is round and is true
from top to bottom.
Rebore when the total deivation
in the cylinder is greater than
.006 inch from a new piston.
A new piston shall have .002 inch
clearance between piston and
cylinder wall measured at bottom
of skirt. The machine will re-
quire 75-100 miles break in prior
to racing.
20. The piston rings shall be check-
ed for end gap. A new ring has
.010 inch end gap. When end gap
inch replace piston
Courtesy of [email protected]
Square Barrel Engine Manual Service Manual