25. Clutch spring heavy 360 - 400
Place two springs face to face,
then add two more springs one
on each side, making a set of
4 springs. Use 18 springs, ma-
king 4
sets. Twenty springs
may be used -
sets - for more
spring pressure.
26. Clutch spring light 501 and
early oval barrel 250 and 360.
Take two springs face to face
for set of 2. Use 20 springs,
making 10 sets of 2 springs •
Late model 400 and 501
clutches that are the light
weight model uses 18 springs
stacked as shown above.
25. Clutch spring heavy 360 - 400
Place two springs face to face,
then add two more springs one
on each side, making a set of
4 springs. Use 18 springs, ma-
king 4
sets. Twenty springs
may be used -
sets - for more
spring pressure.
26. Clutch spring light 501 and
early oval barrel 250 and 360.
Take two springs face to face
for set of 2. Use 20 springs,
making 10 sets of 2 springs •
Late model 400 and 501
clutches that are the light
weight model uses 18 springs
stacked as shown above.
Courtesy of [email protected]
Square Barrel Engine Manual Service Manual