Mahr GmbH • Millimar C1200 M/T
Confirmation of traceability
We declare, with sole responsibility, that
this product conforms with standards and
technical data as specified in our sales
documents (operating instructions, leaflet,
We certify that the testing equipment used
to check this product, and guaranteed by our
Quality Assurance, is traceable to national
Thank you for placing your trust in us by
purchasing this product.
Important notes prior to using the length measuring instrument
The measuring instrument may only be used for its intended purpose. No liability will be
accepted for damages caused by other usage or as a result of the incorrect application of
this measuring instrument.
Should your specific measuring task not be solved with this measuring instrument,
please contact us so we can help solve your measuring task with a different instrument.
Please inform us about your measuring task.
• Not rechargeable
• Do not incinerate
• Dispose off as prescribed
Do not use an electric marking tool.
Disposal information
Electronic equipment which was purchased from us after March 23, 2006 can be returned to
us. We will dispose of this equipment in an environmentally-friendly way in accordance with the
applicable EU Directives WEEE (Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment and the German Na-
tional - Electrical and Electronic Equipment Act, ElektroG).