c-MIG 2800 / 3300
Keep this device out from children. You have to follow the safety and fire instruction when
you work with welding device for welding in protective atmosphere. Regulations for
preventing of accidents during "welding, cutting and similar working activities".
A welder should wear a closed and dry working dress (non-flammable welding dress is the
best), firm insulating shoes (jackboots), cap and leather sleeve gloves.
Clothing made from synthetic materials and half shoes are improper.
Insulating gloves on the both hands protect against electricity (welding circuit no load
run), harmful radiation (heat and U.V. radiation), and also against flaming metal and
slag drops.
The effect of U.V. radiation on the uncovered body parts is similar as sunburn.
It is necessary to wear an appropriate eye protection against sparks, heat, visible and invi-
sible radiation (protective shield or protective helmet equipped with protective glass from the
10-th to 15-th grade according to DIN 4647 standard, depending on used current).
Do not look into an electric arc with unprotected eyes (you can go blind or you can
burn). Invisible U.V. radiation causes a very painful eye conjunctiva inflammation
without eyes protection, which rises even after couple of hours.
Weld nearby the other persons, which are able to help you fast in a case of
emergency. .
The persons or assistants present nearby an electric arc have to be advised about
hazard and must be equipped with a necessary protective equipment.
A working places situated in the neighbourhood have to be protected with proper
shields against radiation.
It is necessary to ensure air supply and exhaustion in closed rooms and buildings. The
toxic vapors evaporate from metal coats and anticorrosive paints due to heat from the
electric arc during welding.