purpose of this manual
This manual contains information required for the installation and general use of Magtrol’s TM
Series In-Line Torque Transducers. To achieve maximum capability and ensure proper use, please
read this manual in its entirety before operating the unit. Keep the manual in a safe place for quick
reference whenever a question should arise.
Who should use this manual
This is written for operators installing a torque transducer as part of a test system that meausres the
torque on transmission chains. The operator is assumed to have the necessary technical training in
electronics and mechanical engineering enabling him to install the in-line torque transducer without
manual organization
This section gives an overview of the structure of the manual and the information contained therein.
Some information has been deliberately repeated in different sections of the document to minimize
cross-referencing and to facilitate understanding through reiteration.
The structure of the manual is as follows:
Chapter 1 :
INTRoDUCTIoN – Contains the technical data sheets for Magtrol’s TM In-Line
Torque Transducers, which describe the units and provide detailed technical
Chapter 2 :
INSTALLATIoN / CoNFIGURATIoN – Provides information needed for the setup
of the TM Transducers in a test system, and their integration with Magtrol electronic
control units.
Chapter 3 :
oPERATING PRINCIPLES – Information pertaining to theory of operation
including details about the transducer's architecture, speed conditioning chain and
built-in self-test circuit.
Chapter 4 :
MAINTENANCE / REPAIR – Provides information on maintenance and repair
procedures, should the need arise.