1. Introduction
The WB and PB Dynamometers manufactured by Magtrol are used for testing all types of motors
and rotational systems, and measuring their torque and power according to their speed. They have
been specially designed for integration in a complete motor testing system.
The WB Series Dynamometers feature Eddy-current braking systems and are able to be operated
at high speeds. However, as their braking torque is proportional to their speed, they cannot be used
at low speeds.
The PB Series Dynamometers feature magnetic powder brakes and are therefore appropriate for low
and medium-speed testing. Due to their design, they generate their maximum torque at standstill.
However, their maximum speed is limited to avoid the magnetic powder being centrifuged.
To combine the advantages of both designs, Magtrol offers a tandem mounting of both dynamometer
types for applications requiring measurements on a wide range of speeds.