Configuring the Transmitter
The Through-Air Radar transmitter comes configured
from the factory and can be reconfigured in the shop.
Bench configuration provides a convenient and efficient
way to set up the transmitter before going to the tank site
to complete the installation.
Before configuring the transmitter, collect the operating
parameters information. Then, power-up the transmitter
on the bench and follow through the step-by-step proce-
dures for the menu-driven transmitter display. Information
on configuring the transmitter using a HART communica-
tor is given in Configuration Using HART.
1.6.1 Operating Parameters
Some key information is needed to calibrate the
Through-Air Radar transmitter. Complete the configura-
tion information table.
1.6.2 Setting Up for Shop Configuration
The Through-Air Radar transmitter can be configured at a
test bench by connecting a 24 VDC power supply directly
to the transmitter terminals. The connections are illustrated
in the accompanying diagrams. An optional digital multi-
meter is shown if current measurements are desired.
1. When using a HART communicator for configuration, a
minimum 250
line load resistance is required. See the
HART communicator manual for more information.
2. The transmitter can be configured without the antenna,
but disregard error messages due to the unattached
3. Through-Air Radar transmitter may indicate a LEVEL
value >0 when disconnected from antenna.
4. After entering the last value, allow 10 seconds before
removing power from the transmitter. This allows the
transmitter to store values.
1.6.3 Transmitter Display and Keypad
The Through-Air Radar transmitter has a liquid-crystal
display (LCD) capable of showing two lines of 8 charac-
ters each. Transmitter measurements and configuration
menu screens are shown on the LCD.
The transmitter default display is the measurement screen.
It cycles every 5 seconds to display LEVEL, %OUTPUT,
Quality, and LOOP information. The transmitter defaults
to this display after 5 minutes if no keystrokes are sensed.
Explosion Proof Model
General Purpose/Intrinsically Safe Model