HINT #2:
In the removal of Belts #2, #5, #1
and #6 (below), you will gain extra “slack” in the
Belts by pulling rearward on the Control Handles
as you slide the Belts off their respective Pulleys!
In a similar manner as above, move Belts #2 and
#5 from their mating BB & KK and EE & HH Pul-
leys and locate them in center of Crawler.
Slip Belt #2 off its BB Pulley first and then
work it off its KK Pulley and then the JJ Pulley.
Similarly, slip Belt #5 off its EE Pulley first and then
work it off its HH Pulley and then the II Pulley].
Lastly, move Belts #1 and #6 from their mating AA
& LL and FF & GG Pulleys and locate them in cen-
ter of Crawler. [
Slip Belt #1 off AA Pulley and
around BB Pulley. Slip Belt #1 off LL Pulley and
around KK Pulley. Slip Belt #1 off BB Pulley. Now
work #1 Belt off KK Pulley and then over and off JJ
In a similar procedure, slip Belt #6 off FF Pulley
and around EE Pulley. Slip Belt #6 off GG Pulley
and around HH Pulley. Slip Belt #6 off EE Pulley.
Now work #6 Belt off HH Pulley and then over and
off II Pulley].
The following steps cover the moving of the
#252B Bearing (located on the top center inside
Wall of Crawler) “inwardly” on the #1627 Upper
Power Shaft to create a “slot” for the belts to move
through, to be removed or new ones installed.
Though not shown, these instructions also
apply to the likewise moving of the #252B Bear-
ing “inwardly” on the #1643 Lower Power Shaft.
Using the proper sized “Allen Wrench” to hold the
#1807 Set Screw, take a proper sized “open end”
wrench and turn the #1808 Locking Jam Nut two
full turns “counter-clockwise”. Then use the Allen
Wrench to completely remove this “set screw &
nut” assembly...save for reinstallation.
Remove the three nuts securing the pair of #252A
Shells holding the #252B Bearing. Slide this Bear-
ing & Shells assembly “inwardly” to reveal a slot
between the “end” of the #1627 Shaft and the
Body Wall.
put strong forces on
the now “unsupported” left ends of the
Upper & Lower Power Shafts...they
were factory aligned when the Crawler
was manufactured to allow easy remounting of the
Bearings you have temporarily removed to create
a “slot” on each Shaft end.
At this time you can move to your left, the Belts
you wish to remove from the system. Slip them
through their respective “slot” exposed when you
moved “inwardly” the #252B Bearing Assemblies
on the #1627 Upper & #1643 Lower Power Shafts
- Belt
Body Wall
- Shaft End