The #1805 Rear Drive Chains (#50 Roller Chain)
are tightened by increasing the center distance
between the
#2065 Rear Axle and the
#2048 Sprocket & Shafts.
Begin your Drive Chain Tensioning procedure by
driving Crawler onto a firm, level surface. Shut off
Engine and dismount...do not “engage” Parking
Brake Lever.
[Though not absolutely necessary, it’s extremely
helpful in the following procedure to block your
Crawler up and remove its Tracks...see Track Re-
moval section of this Manual for instructions].
Open Hood and swing fully forward; remove
#1688 Seat Pin. Remove Seat & Bracket, Arm
Rests and Rear Cover. Remove the #1636 Right
& Left Chain Guards from left and right sides of
Do a thorough washing and cleaning of the #1805
Chains and mating Sprockets with a powerwasher
or a stiff brush. The Sprockets and their mating
Drive Chains must be clean to give proper chain
adjustment. [Remove the Drive Chains and soak
in penetrating oil overnight if stiff].
From “outside” the Crawler’s body, loosen (but do
not remove) the five nuts on each (Left & Right)
#1611 Front Axle Plate. Similarly loosen, but do
not remove the four nuts on each (Left & Right)
#1656 Rear Axle Plate.
loosen the Car-
riage Bolt “nuts” from inside of body, all others
from outside.
On each side, from inside body, rotate each #2043
Pulley Assembly. Check that each #1850 Drive
Chain is moving smoothly and that it is free of de-
[TIP: It will ease rotating the Pulley Assemblies
(above) if you follow the procedure for “Removal -
Steering Clutch Belts” in Service section of this
Manual. Replace Belts per “Installation - Steering
Clutch Belts” in Service section of this Manual
after you have completed your chain tensioning].
To tighten the Drive Chains, start rotating
the Locknut located on left and right lower
rear of Body. To draw Rear Axle back evenly, turn
one Locknut 1/4 turn, then go to the other side and
tighten the other Locknut 1/4 turn...use this back
and forth procedure until both #1805 Drive Chains
are reasonably tight...not “bow-string” tight, but
about a 1/4” of “sag” in the slack strand when the
balance of the chain is taught.
While doing the above procedure, make
sure you rotate each #1650 Rear Track Sprocket
Assembly (left side & right of body) a full revolution
after each 1/4 turn of its respective Locknut. This
will determine if there is a slight “high spot” in one
of the (#1805 Chain) mating sprockets...if so, use
Carriage Bolts