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Additional features by optional licenses
Additional features can be activated by purchasing and installing licenses. Licenses can be or-
dered at our sales team. You find the user guides for these additional features in our Service-
Center. Currently the following licensed features are available.
Camera Link
video recording via video server or network cameras
supporting wireless LAN
(802.11, 802.11a, 802.11n),
(802.11ac from FW 02.04.01)
GPS logging
tracking of GPS data
Measurements with CCP
CAN Calibration Protocol
Measurements with XCP
Universal Measurement and Calibration Protocol
Currently the functionality for Ethernet (XCP on Ethernet) and the CAN-bus
(XCP on CAN) are available.
MOST150 Streaming
logging MOST150 synchronous/isochronous data
The license Connected-Gateway MLBevo enables the recording of data of
the ATOP control unit MLBevo via USB to the Telemotive data logger and
convert these data with the System Client.
(from FW 02.03.01)
Download Terminal
Download Terminal allows an automatization of configured tasks for a de-
fined group of devices.
(from FW 02.03.01)
Test automatisation
Interface for connecting to test automation tools.
At the moment, the sending of CAN messages is supported.
(from FW 02.04.01)
Cellular network
Allows the logger to send status messages over cellular network.
(from FW 03.01.01)
Table 4.1: Additional features by optional licenses