Powering Up / Powering Down
Voyager Matrix Fiber Optic Switch
Installation and User Guide
Chapter 6
Powering Up / Powering Down
Two keys are provided with the system. In order to operate the system, the front panel keylock must be in the
position for the power on/off pushbutton to work.
One key should be kept with the unit; the 2
key should be placed elsewhere for
safekeeping. If additional keys are required, please contact Magenta Research at
800-805-0944 (USA only) or +1-860-210-0546.
Power Up
If power is off, the power up sequence will automatically be initiated when power is turned on.
If a chassis has been properly shut down with AC power left on (indicated by pilot light = amber), the power up
sequence may be initiated by pressing & holding the on/off switch for a minimum of 6 seconds.
The unit will indicate an alarm until the fans come up to speed. The pilot light will then turn green. If the pilot light
is not green, refer to the chart below for possible trouble situations. If further assistance is required, please
contact a Magenta customer service representative.
Solid Green
System power is ON; no faults/alarms/warnings exist
Flashing Red
System power is ON; faults/alarms/warnings exist
Solid Amber
System Power is OFF; no faults/alarms/warnings exist
Alternating Red & Amber
System power is OFF due a critical fault (like an emergency
shutdown from over temp)
Red then solid Amber
Power up sequence failed
Alternating Red & Green
System power is ON after an “auto restart from fault” sequence
(this records an auto-start occurred when no operator was present)
If key lock is in locked position, the power up button will not work and the system
will not power up.
If power button is held for less than 6 seconds, nothing will happen; the system
will not power up.