3.0 Special notice
3.1 Special hint
In order to facilitate understanding and arouse your attention, as for product safety or information needing special
attention to, we will give you the hints in this chapter or the chapters that follows according to the following levels
and special warning words. These special warning words are expressed as follows:
---indicating cautions against high risks;
---indicating cautions against medium risks;
---indicating that attention should be paid to light risks;
---indicating that dangerous operation should be prohibited;
---indicating that attention should be paid to safety or other contents;
This chapter doesn’t provide all the safety information. For the sake of your safety and interests, we put the safety
information on parts of the products in the subsequent chapters as needed. No matter where these safety information
are located, you should carefully read them.
Similarly, besides the special notices expressed with special warning words, you should give same attention to other
contents and introduction in the specifications.
3.2Please be sure to read the important hints for using Notebook
Notebook belong to high-tech and precision products. Please be sure to carefully read the following use hints.
Maintenance of LCD
Don’t put any heavy things on the Notebook.
When using suitcase or backpack, please make sure that there aren’t too much things inside and no
additional pressure is put on the Notebook bag and the back part of LCD.
Please don’t scratch, twist or strike the touchpanel.
Don’t place the screen of LCD in an environment where the temperature exceeds 40 Celsius degrees or the
humidity exceeds 90%.
Don’t expose the screen of LCD to direct sunlight or strong fluorescence.
Don’t place any things on the touchpanel , such as pencil, documents and so on, which will destroy or
scratch LCD screen.
Please don’t use corrosive detergent to wipe LCD screen, which will destroy screen.
Please don’t open the Notebook shell when the system is running because this will lead to data loss or destruction.
The formatting of HD can delete all the data in HD. Please back up the data in advance. As for important data,
please make sure that they have been timely backed up in other storage mediums. The company shall not assume
any responsibility for the data losses incurred.
The safe use of power
The power supply should be stable and be free from interference. When you are not clear about the local