s.nested.number = 100;
s.nested.string = "hello tommy (modified)";
s.nested.array[1][1] = "one one (modified)";
s.nested.array[1][2] = "one two (modified)";
<b>Modified Original Values</b><br>
// Simple values <br>
s.nested.number = #s.nested.number#<br>
s.nested.string = #s.nested.string#<br>
// Array value <br>
s.nested.array[1][1] = #s.nested.array[1][1]#<br>
s.nested.array[1][2] = #s.nested.array[1][2]#<br>
<b>Copied structure values should reflect changes to original.</b><br>
// Simple values <br>
copied.nested.number = #copied.nested.number#<br>
copied.nested.string = #copied.nested.string#<br>
// Array values <br>
copied.nested.array[1][1] = #copied.nested.array[1][1]#<br>
copied.nested.array[1][2] = #copied.nested.array[1][2]#<br>
<b>Duplicated structure values should remain unchanged.</b><br>
// Simple values <br>
duplicated.nested.number = #duplicated.nested.number#<br>
duplicated.nested.string = #duplicated.nested.string#<br>
// Array value <br>
duplicated.nested.array[1][1] = #duplicated.nested.array[1][1]#<br>
duplicated.nested.array[1][2] = #duplicated.nested.array[1][2]#<br>
Страница 1: ...COLDFUSION MX7 CFML Reference...
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