Chapter 2: ColdFusion Tags
For all other color values, you must enter the hexadecimal value. You can enter a six-digit value,
which specifies the RGB value, or an eight-digit value, which specifies the RGB value and the
transparency. The first two digits of an eight-digit hexadecimal value specify the degree of
transparency, with FF indicating opaque and 00 indicating transparent. Values between 00 and
FF are allowed.
For more color names that are supported by popular browsers, go to
You can specify whether charts are cached in memory, the number of charts to cache, and the
number of chart requests that ColdFusion can process concurrently. To set these options in the
ColdFusion Administrator, select Server Settings > Charting.
<!---The following example analyzes the salary data in the cfdocexamples
database and generates a bar chart showing average salary by department. The
body of the cfchartseries tag includes one cfchartdata tag to include data that
is not available from the query. --->
<!--- Get the raw data from the database. --->
<cfquery name="GetSalaries" datasource="cfdocexamples">
SELECT Departmt.Dept_Name,
FROM Departmt, Employee
WHERE Departmt.Dept_ID = Employee.Dept_ID
<!--- Use a query of queries to generate a new query with --->
<!--- statistical data for each department. --->
<!--- AVG and SUM calculate statistics. --->
<!--- GROUP BY generates results for each department. --->
<cfquery dbtype = "query" name = "DataTable">
AVG(Salary) AS avgSal,
SUM(Salary) AS sumSal
FROM GetSalaries
GROUP BY Dept_Name
<!--- Reformat the generated numbers to show only thousands. --->
<cfloop index = "i" from = "1" to = "#DataTable.RecordCount#">
<cfset DataTable.sumSal[i] = Round(DataTable.sumSal[i]/1000)*1000>
<cfset DataTable.avgSal[i] = Round(DataTable.avgSal[i]/1000)*1000>
Color name
RGB value
Страница 1: ...COLDFUSION MX7 CFML Reference...
Страница 20: ...20 Chapter 1 Reserved Words and Variables...
Страница 50: ...50 Chapter 2 ColdFusion Tags cfelse br Searching cfif cfloop cfif...
Страница 101: ...cfdefaultcase 101 cfdefaultcase cfswitch cfoutput Your grade is grade cfoutput...
Страница 115: ...cfdocumentsection 115 cfdocumentsection cfoutput cfdocument...
Страница 311: ...cfNTauthenticate 311 Please Try again H2 cfif cfoutput cfinclude template loginform cfm cfabort cfif cfif cflogin...
Страница 411: ...cftable 411 cftable body html...
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Страница 605: ...GetEncoding 605 WriteOutput The encoding is theEncoding cfscript cfif...
Страница 629: ...GetProfileString 629 tr td input type Submit name Submit value Submit td td td tr table form...
Страница 655: ...IIf 655 cfoutput IIf Hour Now GTE 12 DE It is afternoon or evening DE It is morning cfoutput b...
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Страница 687: ...IsStruct 687 cfoutput cfquery cfif cfoutput hr Employee Add Complete cfoutput cfcase cfswitch...
Страница 693: ...IsWDDX 693 struct data wddxPacket hr xmp cfoutput packet xmp IsWDDX returns IsWDDX packet br cfoutput...
Страница 751: ...LSDateFormat 751 hr noshade cfoutput cfloop...
Страница 861: ...StructFind 861 cfquery cfif cfoutput hr Employee Add Complete cfoutput cfcase cfswitch...
Страница 869: ...StructIsEmpty 869 cfoutput cfquery cfif cfoutput hr Employee Add Complete cfoutput cfcase cfswitch...
Страница 903: ...Val 903 value Is the beginning numeric name form...
Страница 932: ...932 Chapter 3 ColdFusion Functions...
Страница 944: ...944 Chapter 4 ColdFusion MX Flash Form Style Reference...
Страница 962: ...962 Chapter 5 Application CFC Reference...
Страница 1008: ...1008 Chapter 6 ColdFusion MX Event Gateway Reference cfset retValue Reason reason cfreturn retValue cffunction...
Страница 1054: ...1054 Chapter 6 ColdFusion MX Event Gateway Reference...