Chapter 2: ColdFusion Tags
Each table row that contains an update, insert, or deletion has a parallel entry in each of these
arrays. To view all the information for all the changes, you can traverse the arrays, as in this
example. To make it work with a
on a submitted
, set the GridName variable to
the name of the grid and the ColNameList to a list of the grid columns.
<cfloop index="ColName" list="#ColNameList#">
<cfif IsDefined("form.#GridName#.#ColName#")>
<cfset Array_New = form.[#GridName#][#ColName#]>
<cfset Array_Orig = form[#GridName#][’original’][#ColName#]>
<cfset Array_Action = form[#GridName#]RowStatus.Action>
<cfif NOT IsArray(Array_New)>
<b>The form variable is not an array!</b><br>
<cfset size = ArrayLen(Array_New)>
Result Array Size is #size#.<br>
<cfif size IS 0>
<b>The array is empty.</b><br>
<table BORDER="yes">
<th>Loop Index</TH>
<th>Old Value</TH>
<th>New Value</TH>
<cfloop index="LoopCount" from="1" to=#size#>
<cfset Val_Orig= Array_Orig[#LoopCount#]>
<cfset Val_New = Array_New[#LoopCount#]>
<cfset Val_Action= Array_Action[#LoopCount#]>
<cfoutput>form.#GridName#.#ColName#: NotSet!</cfoutput><br>
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