Appendix C: Connections
XLR Connectors
The HDA has one female XLR input that accepts a
balanced line-level sig nal. When con nect ing a bal anced
sig nal, be sure it’s wired per AES (Au dio En gi neer ing
So ci ety) standards:
Pin 1 – Shield (Ground)
Pin 2 – Hot (+)
Pin 3 – Cold (–)
There is also a male XLR connector on the HDA
la beled LOOP OUT. This is also wired ac cord ing to the
AES standards listed above.
Balanced XLR Connectors
The LOOP OUT connector al lows several HDAs to be
connected in parallel. Sim ply plug the signal source
(i.e., mix er out put) into the main input jack, and patch
that speak er’s LOOP OUT jack to the next speaker’s
main in put jack, and so on, dai sy-chain ing mul ti ple
speak ers. See page 6 for a visual example of
The LOOP OUT jack is wired straight from the main
input con nec tor — there is no elec tron ic cir cuit ry
be tween — so the sig nal com ing out of the LOOP OUT
jack is ex act ly the same as the sig nal go ing in.