Array Usage
Having memorized the rear panel features, fully
grasped the multiple hookup possibilities, and reviewed
the practices on proper rigging, you are nearly an expert
on the Mackie HDA. However, we need to discuss array
usage. In other words, where should the Mackie HDA be
placed and how do you do it safely?
Every possible HDA combination is listed in the table
below. It details the confi guration, the number of HDA
loudspeakers and HD1801 subwoofers used in the
system and what position the Array Mode switch should
be in. Please refer to the table below when trying to
decipher your system setup. It’s gold!
Floor Mounting
The HDA loudspeaker is appropriate for multiple
purposes. Typically, line arrays are designed to be fl own.
However, the HDA may also sit on the fl oor or stage as
the main PA or as a front (or side) fi ll. Additionally, it
may be pole-mounted via one of the two built-in sockets
on the bottom of the cabinet. Be sure the pole is capable
of supporting the weight of one or two HDA(s). The
Mackie SPM200 is a great option for this application.
Check to make sure that the support surface
(e.g., fl oor, etc.) has the necessary mechanical
characteristics to support the weight of the
When pole-mounting loudspeakers, be sure that they
are stabilized and secured from falling over or being
accidentally pushed over. Failure to follow these
precautions may result in damage to the equipment,
personal injury, or death.
Note that the Mackie HDA comes standard with two
pole-cups at different angles. The desired pole-cup
angle depends on many factors such as the height of the
stage, if one or two HDAs will be used, etc. We suggest
using a combination of the EAW Resolution software
(see Appendix A) and your ears to help determine
which pole cup to utilize.
Confi guration
Number of Mackie
HDA Loudspeakers
per side
Number of Mackie
HD1801 Subwoofers
per side
HDA Array Mode
Pole Mount
1 or 2
0 or 1
(use SPM200 loudspeaker
pole with HD1801)
Ground stack on FB121 Flybar
1 or 2
Ground stack on
HD1801 subwoofer
1 or 2
1 or 2
(each HD1801 requires
its own ACC-R180S
Rigging Kit)
Flown with FB121 Flybar
or PA-A2 Eyebolt Kit
1 or 2
0 to 2
(each HD1801 requires
its own ACC-R180S
Rigging Kit)
3 or 4
*Selection of ‘3-4’ and ‘3-4 LONG THROW’ will depend upon the distance each box is required to cover.
For more information refer to Array Mode [3] starting on page 13 and be sure to utilize the prediction capabilities
of EAW Resolution software as described on page 22.
Installation should only be done by experienced, licensed professionals. Improper installation may result in damage
to the equipment, injury or death. As described throughout this manual, make sure the loudspeakers are installed
in a stable and secure way in order to avoid any conditions that may be dangerous for persons or structures.
Owner’s Manual
s Manual