Media advance calibration is manual only, and proper calibration is vital to all subse-
quent printer processes. A third “calibration”, color calibration or color linearization, is not
included here because that is a function of the print server / RIP, not the printer itself.
• Media Advance Calibration: Media advance is the only calibration that must be
performed manually, there is no automated equivalent. The media advance typically
should be recalibrated whenever one of the following occurs: change in pass mode,
change of media type, change in apparent output quality. A substantial change in
supply roll diameter (e.g., a full roll to a near-empty roll) can affect media advance
and may require recalibration as well.
There are two methods available for media advance calibration:
- 34 inch/900mm and 10 inch/250mm Calibration patterns, also called length/measure-
ment tests. These measured distance calibrations are similar to the method used for pre-
vious generations of ColorSpan printers. The longer patterns are more accurate, but use
more media. In many cases the smaller patterns can be used and still achieve acceptable
results. These calibrations are the most objective and reliable methods.
For the length/measurement tests a rule of good quality is of the utmost importance. A
wooden yardstick from the state fair is not sufficient, and under no circumstances should
anyone attempt to use a shorter ruler and add up the combined lengths. We recommend
McMaster-Carr (www.mcmaster.com) as a resource for purchasing a good rule. McMas-
ter-Carr part number 1943A35 for a Stainless Steel Cork-Backed Rule is a good compro-
mise between precision and cost.
- Media Feed Number. An alternative method for setting the media advance rate is
through input of the Media Feed Number (MFN). Each media feed number is a unique
number that represents a particular advance rate. Each time the media advance rate is
calibrated or otherwise adjusted, a new MFN is displayed on the control panel. By record-
ing MFNs that correlate to good advances on various media types, the operator can build
a lookup table of MFNs to use for each media. When a particular type of media is loaded,
the MFN last used successfully with that media can be entered at the control panel.
When working with rigid media, the MFN method is highly reliable from one piece to the
next. With roll fed, a particular Media Feed Number may not always be exactly correct,
due to variables such as roll size, but it does provide a rapid way to put the machine in
what is probably the right ballpark for that media type.
• Printhead Calibrations: There are three different printhead calibrations, which are
performed at various times to compensate for changes to the printer setup and per-
- Jet Mapping: individual jets that are not printing correctly are identified so that alternate,
working jets can be substituted in their place. This is the process of jet replacement. This
calibration is recommended for at least daily inspection, if not more frequently during
heavy production.
5400 Technical Training Manual
MacDermid ColorSpan Confidential
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MacDermid, Inc. 11311 K-Tel Drive, Minnetonka, MN 55343
Phone: 952-944-9457 Fax: 952-944-8507