II. Printer Function/Feature Overview
In this section we review the main features of the printer and highlight their advantages.
Media Handling & Ink Compatibility
The 5400 can print on a wide range of media types. The printer supports roll-fed media
up to 54" wide and cut-sheet materials 54" wide by 8’ long. The sheet-fed method is also
referred to as the Straight-Through Paper Path or STPP. UV-cure inks are compatible
with an even greater array of substrates, ranging from paper, vinyl, plywood, glass, and
many synthetic materials. It is far more likely that the UV-cure ink will work with a given
media than that it will not work.
The printer uses ColorSpan SolaChrome-UV ink. UV-curable ink is unlike most other
inkjet ink in that it does not need to be absorbed into the substrate or a topcoat. UV-ink
instead sits on the surface of the media, much like enamel paint. So while the ink will
successfully cure onto most any surface, there are varying degrees of adhesion. Adhe-
sion is a measurable trait that indicates how resistant the ink is to scratching or other
attempts to remove it from the substrate. Adhesion improves as curing continues. When
immediately printed and exposed to the UV energy, the ink sets up and begins to cure. It
is “dry” to the touch (i.e., it will not smear) but the molecular linking process that was set
in motion by the UV energy continues for up to 48 hours after exposure. A particular me-
dia may have poor adhesion immediately after printing, but that adhesion can improve
significantly when left another 24-48 hours.
Print Server Connectivity
The network connectivity to the printer is mediated through a print server only, either
a ColorSpan Kodiak RIP, which supports NetBEUI (Windows Networking) and TCP/IP
connections, or a supported third-party RIP, which may support any number of network
protocols. The printer itself does not connect directly to any existing ethernet network,
nor does it use any standard protocols such as TCP/IP. The print server, regardless of
type, connects to the printer via a dedicated 100baseT ethernet network card. Data com-
munication between the printer and print server is through ColorSpan’s VideoNet proto-
col. Typically the printer is connected directly to a single server by a crossover cable. In
environments with multiple servers or multiple printers, a hub can usually be employed
to make the printer available to multiple servers. This should be a physically segregated,
VideoNet-only network, not the local ethernet network.
5400 Technical Training Manual
MacDermid ColorSpan Confidential
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Phone: 952-944-9457 Fax: 952-944-8507