There are two network environments in which NetDisk can be shared. Each
has different requirements and characteristics.
Windows 2000/XP Environment:
- All computers and NetDisk must be on the same LAN.
- NetDisk must be connected via Ethernet switch (Hub is not supported)*,
Internet Router or Wireless Access Point.
- NetDisk uses NTFS format.
- To share Read and Write access, all computers on the network using the
Net Disk must have the same NetDisk driver version 3.x.x installed.
- NetDisk must be registered onto each computer.
- Write access can be assigned to every Windows 2000/XP computer
All-Mac Environment or Mixed Environment with Windows 2000/XP
and Mac:
- All computers and NetDisk must be on the same LAN.
- NetDisk must be connected via Ethernet switch (Hub is not supported)*,
Internet Router or Wireless Access Point.
- NetDisk must use FAT32 format.
- To share NetDisk each computer on the network must install the
corresponding NetDisk Driver.
- On Windows XP/2000, install the same NetDisk driver v 3.x.x.
- On MacOSX, install the same NetDisk driver 1.x
- NetDisk must be registered onto each computer.
- Write access is assigned to one Mac computer (For more detail,
please refer to subsection Write Access in Software installation
for Mac) at a time and is passed manually from one computer
to another.
*Although PHR-100NDAS requires to be connected to Network switch, com-
puters using it can be plugged into regular Ethernet hub in the LAN.