1: P
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sports.com, that user will have visited three pages. If that same user addition-
ally visits www.espn.com/scores, the total number of sites visited would still
count as three—and not as four—because the latter page is on the original
ESPN site that was already counted.
• Page
- displays the total number of pages visited. A user may visit only
one site, but visit 20 pages on that site. If a user visits a page with pop-up ads,
these items would add to the page count. If a page has banner ads that link to
other pages, these items also would factor into the page count. In categories
that use a lot of pop-up ads—porn, gambling, and other related sites—the page
count usually exceeds the number of objects per page.
By clicking the link in this column, the detail report view displays data for all
pages accessed, including hyperlinks to those pages. In the detail report view,
you have the option to exclude Information columns for Category, User IP, User
name, Site, Filter Action, Content Type, Content criteria, and Search String by
deselecting the corresponding checkboxes via the Column visibility option.
• Object
- displays the number of objects on a Web page. All images,
graphics, multimedia items, and text items count as objects. The number of
objects on a page is generally higher than the number of pages a user visits.
However, if an advertisement or banner ad (an object on the page) is actually a
page from another site, this item would not be classified as an object but as a
page, since it comes from a different server.
By clicking the link in this column, the detail report view displays data for all
objects accessed, including hyperlinks to those objects. In the detail report
view, you have the option to include Information columns for Category, User IP,
User name, Site, Filter Action, Content Type, Content criteria, and Search
String by deselecting the corresponding checkboxes via the Column visibility
: If “Pages only” was specified in the Object Count frame of the Optional Features
screen in the System Configuration user interface,
records of objects accessed by end
users will be lost for the time period in which this option was enabled. Even if there were
objects accessed by end users during that time period, zeroes (“0”) will display in the
Object Count column in the report. See the Optional Features sub-section of the System
Configuration Section for information about Object Count frame options.
Bandwidth and Time columns
In a summary drill down report view, the Bandwidth and Time columns provide
additional information about a record.
• Bandwidth
- Displays the amount of bandwidth in kB or MB used for each
record, if using an SWG only with this SR.
• Time
- Displays the amount of time a user spent at a given site.
Each page detected by a user’s machine adds to the count. If a browser window
is opened to a certain page and left there for an extended time period, and that
page is refreshed by either the user or a banner ad, the counter starts again and
continues as long as Web activity is detected. If that Web page contains an
active banner ad that refreshes the page every 10 to 30 seconds, a user could
show an incredibly high page count and many minutes, even though only one
page was opened by that user.