Public Internet APN (opened)
APN name: net
The LTE450 communication needs special network and an LTE capable SIM-card for the
succesful connection!
Automatic mode
When you not set any value for the APN, the router will connect by the SIM-card automatically
to the next available network’s available APN.
The PAP/CHAP username and PAP/CHAP
password settings can be also configured
here – if it is required for the connection.
When you are attempted to use a DUAL-
SIM version router
This can be used well as an alternative – or
spare - network path, when the operation can
be granted with better change instead of the
field coverage (adding further mobile
operator service).
Check in the Dual SIM option and define the SIM #2 APN and PIN code parameters.
When you modified the settings, save them by the
Save & Apply
button. Then the router will try
to connecting to the mobile network.
Only in case of using the LTE450 modem:
- After the SIM switching, the modem cannot registered for more than 2 minutes
- After 1 minute of the registration it still does net gets WAN IP address to the eth1 interface (still
will be
After doing the SIM, APN settings, and saving the settings, the router and the modem will not
be automatically restarted futhermore!