M 2 M C o n t r o l
by Infranet Technologies GmbH
Ph: +49.40.69647-260
Tempowerkring 2
Fax: +49.40.69647-259
21079 Hamburg
Web: www.m2mcontrol.de
Technical Manual 1.02, C350 Professional
Page 24 of 38
Three bi-colored (red and green) and a single yellow LED indicators are present on the
front of the unit (see the graphical view). Two bi-colored LED’s (A and B) are available to
the user and the remaining two LED’s (S1 and S2) are signaling the status and possible
errors of the unit.
The user control LED one through four for application specific signaling purposes.
LED named A on the front-plate, consists of LED 1 (green) and LED 2 (red)
LED named B on the front-plate, consists of LED 3 (green) and LED 4 (red)
They are easily accessed from within the VPL program, and it is possible to mix the LED’s
to obtain a third color, yellow. Please consult the M2M Control IDE on-line manual for
more information.
The remaining two LED’s are used by the unit to signal the status of the unit. The different
patterns are listed in the table below. If the color of the system LED 1+2 is yellow, the unit
is actively communicating with for example the M2M Control IDE program (or another
program, supporting the RTCU protocol, RACP).
S1: System LED1 pattern overview.
Fastest blinking, green
The unit is initializing, preparing to start the VPL
Fast blinking, green (or yellow)
The VPL program is not executing, but stopped by the
reset/diagnostic switch.
500ms On / 500ms Off
green (or yellow)
The unit is executing the VPL program
1.5s On / 0.5s Off.
green (or yellow)
The unit is executing the VPL program and charging the
internal back-up battery.
Fast blinking, red (or yellow)
A runtime error has been detected in the program. Use
the IDE to obtain the fault log.
Alternating Fast/Slow, red (or
The unit has lost its Firmware! This can only happen if,
during a firmware upgrade, the unit looses power, or the
communication is lost completely. In this case, simply
upload the firmware to the unit again.
75ms On / 925ms Off
Execution speed is different from full-speed.
The single yellow LED is signaling either the GSM module activity or if all other LED’s are
off it will signal that the unit is in the “wait for event” low power state. Please see the table