1. Motors not moving.
A. Check for voltage coming out of control box.
B. Check for voltage at motor
(AZ / EL=42 VDC POL=26 VDC).
C. Check all wiring from control box to motor.
D. Check motor for binding.
2. No pulse from motors.
A. Check all wiring from reed switch to control box.
B. Replace reed switch.
3. Gear binding.
A. Check Gears for Grease.
B. Check gear bolts for looseness.
C. Check gears for foreign debris.
D. Adjust thrust block adjustment.
4. Excess backlash
A. Inspect worm and worm gear for wear.
B. Inspect for thrust block bearing wear.
C. Inspect system for loose hardware.
D. Adjust thrust block adjustment.
5. Excess 3” bearing movement
A. Inspect bearing for radial movement.
B. Replace 3” bearing assembly.
6. 3” Bearing Binding
A. Disassemble bearing assembly and inspect for lubrication and foreign debris.
Reassemble and test. Replace if necessary.
For more complete maintenance and technical assistance, please contact M2 Antenna
Systems, Inc. at
(559) 432-8873