Proto-Sound 3.0 Upgrade Kit Installation Guide - Diesel/Electric
Connecting Lights (LEDs)
- Install the Ditch, Headlight, Marker, Mars, Overhead Blinking, Cab Interior,
Number Board & Back-up lightbulbs into the proper engine & wire harness
locations as seen in the diagram on page 16.
- On RailKing diesel locomotives, the headlight and backup light are usually a
screw or bayonet based bulb inserted into a bracket mounted to the chassis.
This bulb must be replaced with headlight bulbs (D&G) in the kit in order to
have constant voltage, directional lighting. Secure the bulbs in place with tape
or hot glue.
wire the existing bracket and bulb into the Proto-Sound
3.0 harness. It will damage the lighting circuit.
1. Connect the Front Headlight (double LEDs) with Blue connector to the Blue
connector with Brown and purple wires.
2. Connect the Rear Back-up Light (double LEDs) with Green connector to the
Green connector with green and purple wires.
3. Connector the Front Marker Lights (double Green LEDs) with Yellow
connector to the Yellow connector with Blue and Purple wires.
4. Connect the Rear Marker Lights (double Red LEDs) with Yellow connector to
the Yellow connector with Blue and Purple wires.
5. Connect the Interior Lights (double LEDs) with Yellow connector to the
Yellow connector with Brown and Purple wires.
6. Connect the two Number Board Lights (double LEDs) with Red connector to
the Red connector with Orange and purple wires. One set goes to the front and
the other to the rear.
7. Connect the Front Ditch 1 Light with Red connector to the Red connector
with Black and Purple wires.
8. Connect the Front Ditch 2 Light with Red connector to the Red connector
with Brown and Purple wires.
9. Connect the MARS 1 light with Red connector to the White connector with
the Green and Purple wires.
10. Connect the MARS 2 light with Red connector to the White connector with
the Blue and Purple wires.
11. Connect the overhead blinking lights (as needed) with the White connector
to the White connector with Green and Purple wires.
Note: If only one LED is required for Front, Rear, or Interior cut off one set of
wires and cover the ends of the wires with electrical tape.