CV29 is the basic decoder setup CV that is used by all DCC decoder manufactures.
So, if you are familiar with CV29 from other manufacturer’s decoders M.T.H.’s is
no different. The most important part of CV29 is the ability to switch between
long and short addressing. By default, CV29 on your M.T.H. PS3.0-equipped
engine is set to 2.
Long and Short Addressing
Like most DCC Decoders, your M.T.H. PS3.0-equipped engine can be
programmed with both Long and Short Address. Short addresses are those from 1-
127 and Long addresses are those from 128-9999. You can program the engine
address either with Programming on the Main (PoM) or using a Programming
Track. Since it’s easiest, in most cases, to PoM the instructions will show you how
to do it this way. By default, your M.T.H. PS3.0-equipped engine comes
programmed with both a long and short DCC address. The default Short address is
always 3. The default Long address will be 3333.
To change your engine’s Short Address using PoM:
1. Call up the engine’s current address on your DCC handheld
2. Enter Programming on the Main on your DCC handheld
3. Enter the new address you want. Remember, you can only use address 1-127
for Short Addressing
4. Once you hit Enter the engine will give you a two whistle/horn blast
5. Call up the engine on its new address and away you go.
If you have elected to use PoM and did not start-up the sounds of
your locomotive, you will not hear the two-whistle/horn blast response.
Alternatively, depending upon the type of DCC system you have, you can enter
PoM and then write the new address in the Address Menu. This only works for
short addressing. For example, on an MRC Prodigy Advance2 system, you would:
1. Call up the engine’s current address on your DCC handheld
2. Hit the PROG button twice to enter PoM mode
3. Hit Enter twice so the LCD displays “Adr”
4. Type in the new Short Address (1-127) that you want and hit Enter
5. The engine will give you a two whistle/horn blast response
If you have elected to use PoM and did not start-up the sounds of
your locomotive, you will not hear the two-whistle/horn blast response.
To change your engine’s Long Address using PoM:
1. Call up the current engine's address on your DCC handheld
2. Enter Programming on the Main on your DCC handheld
3. In the following steps you will need to write values to CV17 and CV18 to
tell the engine what the long address should be
In order to determine your required values for CV17 and CV18 you will need
to go to
M.T.H. HO 4-8-4 GS-4 Steam Engine