F12 – Smoke On/Off
Enabling F12 will turn the smoke unit on. Disabling F12 will turn your smoke unit off.
F13 – Smoke Volume
There are three smoke volume levels in your MTH PS3-equipped engine –
Low/Med/High. The default for this is set to High. You can adjust the smoke output
(amount of smoke the generator puts out) by pressing the F13 button twice. This sets
the level to the next step. For example, if you are currently at the High smoke output
level, pressing F13 twice (toggling it on then off) will set the smoke volume to Low.
Pressing F13 twice again will set it to Medium and so on.
The smoke system in DCC mode operates exactly as it does in analog DC mode with
the added benefit of being able to turn it on or off remotely. Pressing F12 on your
DCC controller will toggle the smoke unit on and off again.
The manual smoke potentiometer under the control hatch (on top of the tender) must
be fully clockwise for the F12 key to function. When the smoke potentiometer is fully
counterclockwise, the smoke is always off.
Engine Sounds
F25 – Engine Sounds
You can turn the Engine Sounds On/Off by pressing the F25 button. Pressing it once
(enabling F25) will cause the Engine Sounds to shut off. TheWhistle/Horn and Bell
sounds will still be active, however. To turn the engine sounds back on press the F25
button again (disable F25).
Additional F Functions
NOTE: The engine must be sitting still in order to trigger F-Functions F14
through F18
F14-F16 – Idle Sequence
Pressing F14, F15, or F16 twice (toggling on then off) will trigger an Idle Sequence if
the engine is not moving. These vary from engine to engine and may include things like
checking the coal load, checking the water level, using the Alemite grease gun on the
drivers, etc. When triggered, these will run through the sequence that varies in duration.
F17 – Extended Start-Up
If your engine is shut down or you've just applied DCC power pressing F17 twice
(toggling it on then off) will start the Extended Start-Up sounds. This is very similar to
F3 except you will hear the crew talking back and forth about getting the engine ready
to run.
F18 – Extended Shut-Down
If your engine is already up and running you can play the Extended Shut Down sounds
by pressing F18 twice (toggling on then off). The Extended Shut Down is very similar
to F3 in that the engine will ultimately shut down, but in the case of Extended Shut
Down you will hear the crew talking back and forth about how the engine ran, time
schedules, etc.
F19 – Labor Chuff
To force the Labor Chuff sound in a steam engine, press the F19 button once (enable
F19). As long as F19 is enabled the engine will play its Labor Chuff sounds. To set the
sound back to Normal Chuff press the F19 button again (disable F19).
M.T.H. HO 4-8-4 GS-4 Steam Engine