The grids are provided with two connections. 2 flexibles for one grid !
Two holes between the two connection provides ventillation in the
To simplify the mounting of the grids you can use the corner profile wich
is furnished with the grid. This profile is can be mounted on the side of
the grid (two little wholes en screws are provided).
Note: a circulation of hot air requires that no under-pressure be created
in the room. A grid that is near the floor (pic 7d) sees to it that cold air
can be drawn in. Don’t connect those with a flexible. Air will find the
way to get at the right place. Place all the fittings that you use at the
same lengths and angles if possible, otherwise it is possible that some
grids give off more heat than others and, seeing that a hot air pipe func
tions in a manner similar to a chimney, the one that is hot first has the
most draught and therefore becomes hot even more quickly.
2.7 FAN
2.7.1 Installation
• Remove the Chamotflex plates, the bottom plates and the opening to
the fan. See pic.8.
• Now slide the fan downwards to just under the stove.
• Make the necessary electrical connections.
2.7.2 Fan dimmer
•Leave the adjustment of the fan speed closed.
• Fuse 1.5A (Take the knob off, unscrew the little plate, take it
out if it is to be replaced.)
• The adjustment screw for the minimum speed is under the knob.
(M-design has developed a new induction dimmer which lets the fan run
noiselessly and which may be bought as an option.)
• The fan (optional) may be started after the fire has burned for 15 minu
• Let the fan turn at the maximum speed for 12 hours the first time to let
it run in.
Pic. 7d
Pic. 8
Pic. 7c