© 2016 Lytx, Inc. – Confidential & Proprietary
The following instructions are for the installation of the Lytx
DC3P event recorder (ER). These
installation instructions cover the mounting of the bracket and event recorder in the vehicle,
electrical terminations, connection testing, and routing of the cable. These instructions DO NOT
cover the installation of any peripheral equipment.
The DC3P is intended to capture information about the vehicle’s driver’s habits and make the data
available to aid you in improving driver safety. The DC3P should not interfere with any of the
vehicle’s computer systems. If, after installation of the DC3P, there is a malfunction of the vehicle’s
computer systems, contact Lytx, Inc. U.S. Technical Support Center at 866.910.0403 or email
support @lytx.com immediately. Lytx recommends that you do not drive the vehicle until the
malfunction is resolved. Lytx, Inc. disclaims all responsibility for any damages arising from
improper installation and maintenance of the DC3P.
This guide is not a substitute for a properly qualified technician. When installing the DC3P event
recorder, follow the vehicle manufacturer’s service manual, all instructions and procedures issued
by Lytx, Inc. and any applicable federal, state, provincial and local laws that prohibit mounting
devices on a vehicle’s windshield or other locations in a vehicle.
Below is an image of the event recorder and the wires used in the installation.