Installa� on of a Client Cer� fi cate to 10” Touchscreen Display
Insert a microSD card with the
Cer� fi cate loaded into the card
slot on the tablet. The fi le should
be in the root directory. Other
fi les can be present but ensure
there is only one .p12 available.
A method to use the USB
port is currently in development.
2. A pop-up will then appear on
the display, promp� ng for the
Cer� fi cate Password.
3. If correct password is entered
the pop-up will disappear and
the cer� fi cate is successfully
loaded. If an incorrect password
is entered the pop-up screen will
prompt again for the password.
Once Cer� fi cate is loaded, to
view the Niagara Sta� on you
need to make sure the source is
displayed in the h� ps Mode.
Previewing the Niagara Sta� on.
Enter creden� als. Once entered click
If the p.12 cer� fi cate is valid, future
landing at this page be directed straight to
the sta� on.