FlarmView² Version 2.60
April 2018
Page 10 of 31
Text Edit Control
The Text Editor is used to input an alphanumeric string; the picture below shows typical
options when editing text. Use the up/down button’s to change the value at the current
cursor position.
Push button next = “>>B” will move cursor right. A long press on the NEXT button, will
move the cursor left. At the last character position, a push of the button will confirm the
edited value, long press Ok C) will cancel editing and exit that control. If a Long press is
available, part of the button label will be a Gray colour. For the example above, a long press
of the top button “>> B” has a “back” function. A long press of the bottom button has a
“Cancel” function. The Flarm ID field is not editable; this is because the flarm identification
number is unique.
Selection Control
Selection boxes, also known as combo boxes, are used to select a value from a list of
predefined values. Use the up/down buttons to select the appropriate value.