LX Era
Taking care of your Era
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Taking care of your Era
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The internal battery
The Era has a Li-Ion internal battery, used for powering the unit, if the main power supply of
the plane gets cut, during flight.
The internal battery can power the Era from
3 to 5 hours
, depending on the brightness level,
whether wireless is on, and the volume.
To extend the longevity of your Era’s battery a few key steps should be taken:
Avoid using the internal battery, when not needed -
Do not intentionally cut the power to
the Era, when there is still enough power from your main batteries. Do not intentionally
leave it in flight mode.
Avoid draining the internal battery -
Draining the battery completely is a known culprit for
reducing battery capacity. If you see the Era changed to its internal power supply, think
about heading to your home airfield, unless on a competition of course!
Proper winter storage -
During periods of long inactivity, especially during winter, when
cold temperatures are present, the battery capacity is lowered by cold temperatures and
it can easily happen that the battery gets completely drained, causing the Era to lose
its seal and the battery to lose part of its capacity. To avoid this from happening, it is
recommended that, whenever the Era is in storage, it should be connected to an external
power supply regularly, every 4 to 6 weeks, for at least 3 hours, for the internal battery to
The Era can not power external devices, while on internal power, meaning Flarms,
User port connected PDA/PNA devices and CAN connected devices will stop
working (unless they have an internal power supply of their own.
The Era charges the internal battery automatically, when connected to an external
power supply.
Device manual