LX Era
Advanced operation
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Document revision:
Figure 37. Turnpoint selection sub-page
Figure 38. Search by name
Choosing Name or Code will open up the Filter setting, where you can type the name or code
lettering. Choosing a turnpoint will set the turnpoint as the navigation point for the turnpoint
navigation page.
For additional info on how to install database files, check the
section of this manual.
In order to use navigation pages to their full extent, be sure to have airspace (.cub),
turnpoint (.cup) and airport (.af) files installed. Some of these, like .cup and .cub
files, are available on competitions, from club managers, or governing national air
bodies (like DAeC), while other, like the .af file, are provided solely by LX navigation.
Files provided by LX navigation (.cub and .af) can be found on
. LX navigation does not provide
official .cup files, for unofficial turnpoint files, you can check with your club mates
and webpages like
All final glide calculations take into account the current wind speed and direction,
as well as reserve altitude and selected MC value. On the
the final glide calculation takes into account your kinetic energy as well, as
explained in the said page.
Device manual