LX Era
Advanced operation
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Document revision:
Turnpoint navigation page
This page is intended exclusively for navigating towards a single turnpoint, from the .cup file
loaded into the Era. The navigation screen shows turnpoints, airports and airspaces on the
map area.
Figure 35. Turnpoint page overview
It offers the pilot four NavBoxes:
FG -
Final glide to turnpoint altitude, important to note that reserve altitude set in the
setup menu is calculated into this value.
Absolute bearing to turnpoint
Your current track, calculated on the basis of your last two GPS locations
Distance to turnpoint
At the top of the screen, the name of the navigation page is noted (TP for turnpoint), below the
page name, the name of the turnpoint to which you are navigating to is shown, and below the
name the steering course
(relative bearing)
is shown.
The steering course
(relative bearing)
depicts by how many degrees you need to steer in
the direction noted by the green arrow, in order to be moving towards your select turnpoint.
Since the steering course is calculated from your track and bearing to the target, the
component is already calculated
into this value. When the steering course widget is showing
zero degrees, you are in fact moving in the direction of the desired turnpoint.
On the left part of the navigation screen, a standard
is shown, and to the right,
a scale for distance is shown. The unit of the scale is the same as set in the
setup page.
Device manual