Chapter 9: Start-Up
38 | Installation, Operation & Maintenance Instructions EASYCHLORGEN
9.1.4 Changing display language
The control panel display language can be selected
when the EASYCHLORGEN is in normal operation
simply by scrolling down to Program 9 and repeatedly
depress the ENTER key until the language of choice is
displayed, from which then leave this screen by scrolling
UP/DOWN back to normal operating screen display.
9.1.5 Adjustment of regenerative softener (if fitted)
If a digital flow metered auto regenerative duplex
softener is fitted to the system, the hardness setting of
the softener control should be set to at least 50mg/l
CaCO3 above the hardness value of the source water.
If a time clock auto regenerative softener is fitted to the
system, ensure that the regeneration cycle is frequent
enough to accommodate the total litres capacity per day
water flow through the EASYCHLORGEN. Refer to
section 5.1 “Output data” for maximum daily water
consumption values.
Damage to the system due to incorrect
Ensure EASYCHLORGEN does not operate without a
reliable softened water supply!
In the case of a single SIMPLEX regenerative softener
vessel unit, the EASYCHLORGEN
must not
during the regeneration cycle. When the softener is in
regeneration, the EASYCHLORGEN should stop and the
screen will display:-
If the above screen is not displayed then this may be a
result that the softener regeneration signal is not
properly connected to the EASYCHLORGEN. Contact
your supplier for further advice.
Complete the Commissioning record log sheet in
Appendix I.
After 12 to 24 hours operation it is recommended to
perform further checks:-
Carry out a chlorine product strength test. The
result should ideally be 0.6% +/- 0.1%.
Carry out a YES/NO hardness test of the softened
water supply. The result should be YES i.e. a
green colour test sample result.
Adequate salt stock is available for the operator to
maintain uninterrupted operation and that site
management have a salt stock ordering process is
in place;-
9.1.6 Hydrogen gas detector check
Whilst the EASYCHLORGEN is in normal operation,
remove the signal cable attached to the hydrogen sensor
by unscrewing the M12 connector plug directly attached
to the black detector housing. Within a few seconds the
EASYCHLORGEN will go into alarm and display:-
Reconnect the M12 cable plug to the gas detector and
press the ENTER button on the control panel to accept
the alarm and resume normal operation.
Consult your technical supplier should there be any
concerns whatsoever with the commissioning and
operation of the EASYCHLORGEN system
System commissioning and start up completed.