1) Place scale on a flat hard surface.
Adjust the 'Rubber Pad"(3-5, Fig. 1) until the water
bubble of the "Level Bubble"(3-1a, Fig. 1) on the center
position, then the scale already install under the
horizontal position completely.
2) Set the "gm" or "oz" unit by slide the "Unit Switch"
(3-10, Fig. 1).
* Use the "-" type screw driver to slide the "Unit Switch".
* The scale are preset to the "gm" unit typically.
* Slide the "Unit Switch" to the right position will set to
"gm" unit & the right down corner of LCD will show the
"g" marker.
* Slide the "Unit Switch" to the left position will set to
"oz" unit, but the LCD display will not show any marker.
3) Turn the "Power Switch"(3-4, Fig. 1) to the On position.
The Display(3-3, Fig. 1) will show "" for a few
seconds, then "0" will appear again.
4) Apply the load to the platform gently, display will show
the measuring weight values.
* Do not exceed the over load capacity of the scale.
* Over weighting, the display will show "EEEEE".
5) Tare function :
After weighting the first item, press "Tare Button" (3-2a,
Fig. 1), scale will reset to zero values automatically.
At the same time, the LCD display will show the "Tare"
mark. Place next weighted item onto scale. Scale will
give weights of the second only.
If the display show "- - - - -", means the
display reading is under the zero, then tare
function should be execute again.
The max. tare capacity is the full capacity(500g).