DALI Display, Manual V1.0.6
© 2016, Lunatone Industrielle Elektronik GmbH
Info MAC-Address
Network Settings
Network Status
Users: (V106 and higher)
Activate/Deactivate user defined
The name of the site is defined in
the configuration-file of the user
defined sites
This tab is visible only if user
defined site are available
In the following chapters the most important display-related settings are explained.
Three different default backgrounds are available:
Design 1
Design 2
Design 3
User defined Background:
Furthermore a customized background-image can be used. The background image needs to be a 800
x 480 pixel PNG (Portable Network Graphic) file and has to be named
The image can be copied to the DALI Display by using one of the following methods:
USB Stick:
Place the background image in the following folder on the USB stick: