3.2 Electrical Connections
1. The power supply being used must be capable of providing sufficient power to drive the LED. Preset the output voltage to 0 V and keep
the power supply switched off until all connections are established. The positive terminal of the power supply should be at ground; the
negative terminal would then supply a negative voltage with respect to ground.
2. Connect the driver board to the LED and the power supply using the cables provided in the kit . The choice of the driver board to LED
cables is based on the LED connector— LEDs such as PT-39, PT-54 and CBT-40 require the appropriate variant of the shorter 3 “ cable while
LEDs such as CBT-90, PT-120 and CBT-120 with the 2 pin spade connector require the longer cable. Figure 10 illustrates the electrical
connections to the driver board; while both types of driver board to LED cables are shown for illustration, only one is required.
Figure 10: Completed electrical connections on DK-114N-1
3. Use the jumper provided with the driver board to short signal pins 2 and 3 (see Figure 3 and Appendix C). These pins correspond to
Analog ADJ and POT; shorting them enables the on-board potentiometer. Alternatively, the jumper can be removed and signal cable can
be used to short the Analog ADJ and POT pins.
4. Set the POT to the minimum current setting by rotating it fully counter-clockwise. The embedded arrow should point towards the “10”
on the POT.
5. The development kit is now ready to be powered on. Turn on the power supply and increase the source voltage to -12 V with respect to
ground. The driver will draw about 1-2 A current.
Do not set the power supply higher -12 V; doing so may damage the driver.
3.3 Operation
The DK-114N-1 can be used to drive LEDs in continuous-current controlled mode via the on-board POT or through an external analog
voltage. Additionally, each channel has inputs for PWM dimming using an external function generator and supports frequencies up to
40 kHz.
1. Current control via the on-board POT is achieved by shorting the Analog ADJ and POT pins. Clockwise rotation of the POT increases the
current, while counter-clockwise rotation decreases the current.
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Luminus Devices, Inc.
978.528.8000 • www.luminus.com
1100 Technology Park Drive • Billerica, MA 01821
DK-114N series - Development Kit Manual