LuminUltra GeneCount
Q-8 Q-16 qPCR
Quick Guide For Windows® - based Software
The setup page – cycler setup
Here we can setup the thermal cycler program. We could choose the type and number of thermal
periods and steps, assign time period and temperatures. We could have up to two Pre-Denature
periods. The main thermal cycling period can have 2, 3, or 4 steps. We can also define at which
step the fluorescence capture is done. Lastly, we have a hold period whose temperature and time
period are configurable.
A cycler program can have several periods; and each period can have one or more steps. For
example, we could have pre-denature period, cycle period and hold period. In the cycle period,
we can have many repeated cycles consists of denature, annealing, and extension steps.
Figure 3 Cycler setup
qPCR amplification thermal cycling program starts when the user clicks on the “Start” button.
Melting curve analysis period
We can also add a Melt Curve (Marker (1)) analysis period at the end of the main thermal cycling
program. The Melt curve analysis can be triggered either manually by clicking the start melt
analysis button, or automatically by checking “” check box (not done yet).