The bobbin thread tension has been
adjusted at the factory and
readjustment is usually not required.
Lower thread tension:
To test the bobbin thread tension,
remove the bobbin case and bobbin
from the machine and hold the
bobbin case suspended by the
thread. Shake it once or twice. If the
tension is correct, the thread will
unwind by about an inch or two. If
the tension is too tight, it will not
unwind. If the tension is too loose,
the thread will unwind for more than
two inches.
To adjust, turn the small screw on
the side of the bobbin case (1).
Upper thread tension:
Basic thread tension setting: “4”. (2)
To increase the tension, turn the dial-
up to a higher number. To reduce
the tension, turn the dial to a lower
A. Normal thread tension.
B. Thread tension too loose.
C. Thread tension too tight.