VIA693A System Board 35
Swap Floppy Drive
floppy A&B will be swapped.
(default): floppy A&B will be not swapped.
Boot Up Floppy Seek
BIOS will determine if the floppy disk drive is 40 or 80 tracks. 360k type is 40
tracks while 720K/ 1.2M and 1.44M are all 80 tracks.
Boot Up Numlock Status
Gate A20 Option
Memory Parity/ECC Check
Typematic Rate Setting
This determines the typematic rate.
enable typematic rate and typematic delay programming.
(default): disable typematic rate and typematic delay programming. The
system bios will use default value of this 2 items and the default is controlled by
Typematic Rate(Chars/Sec)
6 : 6 Characters Per Second (default)
8 : 8 Characters Per Second
10 : 10 Characters Per Second
12 : 12 Characters Per Second
15 : 15 Characters Per Second