Installa� on and Opera� ng Instruc� ons
VPS / VPS-Design / SPH / VPN
Feel good through warmth from electricity -
3.1 User Manuel VPS RF Model
3.1.1 Se� ng the Room Thermostat
Press the
receiver bu� on
for more than 3 seconds, un� l the indicator light begins to fl ash. Subsequent-
ly press the transmi� er key in the confi gura� on mode. (see User Manual Receiver) As soon as the indi-
cator light stops fl ashing the two products are assigned.
3.1.2 Se� ng the sender
Press the receiver bu� on for at least 3 seconds un� l the indicator light starts fl ashing.
Two modes of opera� on are possible.
Slow fl ashing:
On\Off switch
Fast fl ashing:
ins� gator
To switch the mode again, press the key briefl y. Take the transmi� er into the Confi gura� on mode (see
user manual transmi� er). Check that the indicator light is no longer fl ashing.
Applica� on Example
The use of a room thermostat in combina� on with a opening detector is ideal, because the opening de-
tector will detect if a window is open and will automa� cally switch to frost protec� on. By pressing the
receiver bu� on for approximately 10 seconds, you can change the relay´s se� ng. You know the se� ng
is changed as soon as the signal light stops fl ashing.
2.1.3 Dele� ng Alloca� ons
To delete the se� ng simply press the receiver key for approximately 30 seconds un� l you see the recei-
ver light fl ash briefl y. All transmi� ers are now deleted.