Installa� on and Opera� ng Instruc� ons
VPS / VPS-Design / SPH / VPN
Feel good through warmth from electricity -
Technical characteristics
• Power supplied by the power card
• Dimensions in mm (without mounting lugs):
H = 71.7, W = 53, D= 14.4
• Screw-mounted
• Install in an environment with normal pollution levels
• Storage temperature: -10°C to +70°C
• Operating temperature: 0°C to +40°C
Menu 6: Adaptive start control
This feature enables to reach the set-point
temperature at a set time.
When this feature is activated, the display shows a
flashing .
0 = Adaptive start control deactivated
1 = Adaptive start control activated
To modify, press on the + or – buttons, then press
OK to confirm and to go to the next setting.
Adjusting the time-temperature-slope (when
adaptive start control is activated)
From 1°C to 6°C, in steps of 0.5°C.
If the set-point temperature is reached too early,
then a lower value should be set.
If the set-point temperature is reached too late,
then a higher value should be set.
Menu 7: Product
This menu allows you to view the product
To exit the configuration mode, press OK.